Why your INTENTION makes all the difference.
You’ve probably heard a quote like this right?
“What we think about consistently, we bring about.”
The good news is – we have the power to change our lives through what we repeatedly think about, the intentions we set, and the vision we have for what’s possible.
My goal with Living in Shui is to share how to use the power of BTB feng shui, intention setting and mindset shifts to transform the areas we feel stuck and create lives and spaces that absolutely LIGHT US UP.
Without first looking at your mindset and your intention, it’s hard for feng shui to have much of an impact.
For example – if you’re craving a romantic relationship, yet don’t believe you deserve it and don’t intend to put in the personal effort to make space for it in your life, no amount of feng shui cures will likely make a difference!
This month, we’ll be talking all about how to weave intention setting and mindful rituals into your feng shui practice to transform your internal mindset, as well as your external surroundings.
You wanted a breakthrough in your life right?? Time to do the work! :)
When I first start working with a new client – I’ll ask them to tell me about the most important goals in their life, where they’d like to see the biggest shifts, and anything they’re struggling with.
The clearer your vision is for knowing what you want, why that’s important to you, and when you intend to have it, the easier it is for the universe to bring it to you.
And just like feng shui – you can’t just snap your fingers and expect the universe to deliver! You’ve got to meet it half way.
How do you do that? By ensuring these things all line up:
THOUGHTS (goals): your vision. what you think about the future
BELIEFS (subconscious, self-image): your inner beliefs about yourself, life, etc
ACTIONS (behaviors, habits): your day to day actions and behaviors
When these 3 are in sync, the whole universe conspires to deliver what YOU MOST NEED, in order to have the transformations necessary to live your best life.
You might be thinking: “Huh?…wait a second…I thought after that I just got what I wanted???”
Well, the universe is trying to give it to you, it just might not show up exactly as you expected. And you might still have some work to do in order to be ready to receive it.
Author Byron Katie says it like this:
“Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it…. It’s just easier if you do.”
And now you might be asking… “What does all of this have to do with feng shui??”
Once you’re clear on the vision for your life and your intentions, you can create an environment that gives you more energy to fulfill your goals, inspires and reminds you everyday what they are, and is a welcoming space for all the relationships you want to cultivate in your life.
Ready to get started?
Here are a few reflection questions to think about:
Imagine your life 2 years from today. With that end vision in mind, complete the sentence: “I am so happy and grateful now that…..” Keep writing everything you’d like to cultivate in your life in the next 2 years.
You cannot have something until you believe you can have it. Answer the question – “What are you ready to let go of?” Keep writing until you’re done.
You create your reality in every “I am _____” statement. Complete the sentence: “The new me is someone who….” Fill it in as many times as you want.
What now? Like we said at the beginning – “What we think about consistently, we bring about.” Re-read your vision or your “I am” statements DAILY. Create a vision board and place it somewhere in your house you’ll always see it. Or stay tuned to my blog and Instagram and sign up for email newsletters below to learn more ways to weave this into feng shui.
Want more personalized support? Schedule a free discovery call so we can talk about bringing this to life for you. I’m here to support you!