Command Position 101
What’s this all about and why does it matter??
If you’ve ever googled anything about feng shui, I’d guess you’ve seen the phrase “command position” pop up in regards to the placement of your bed and desk in particular. That’s because this is a foundational aspect of feng shui where small shifts can make all the difference.
Let’s start with your bed.
How to put your bed in command position:
1. Place your headboard against a solid wall
2. Have equal access on both sides of the bed with equal bedside tables
3. Ensure that your feet are not in direct alignment with the door, and make sure you have a clear view of who enters through the door from your bed
Why does this matter? Well, for one thing…SLEEP!
If you’re anything like me – who’s tried everything from white noise, yoga nidra, lavender on my pillow, eye masks, etc, to chase the elusive 8 hours of sleep, command position can help you.
When we’re in a state of rest - eyes closed, mind in dream land - it’s important to create the most stable, safe, protected environment possible.
With a solid wall behind your head, there’s no unconscious anxiety about who or what might be behind us and leaves us feeling grounded and secure. Placing the bed slightly off center from the door, yet with a clear view of it, again adds to the feeling of safety because you’re able to see anyone who may be entering easily. If the bed is in direct alignment with the door, it’s in a path of higher, faster moving energy during a time when we’re trying to relax.
Not possible to place your bed with a view of the door? No problem. Placing a mirror in a way that gives you a view of the door can correct for that.
What’s up with the equal bedside tables?
This aspect is especially important if you’re trying to call in a new relationship or nourish a current relationship with your partner.
The bedroom is a space where you and your partner spend a lot of time together and you want it to feel equally supportive to both of you. You don’t want to be fighting over who gets to sleep next to the side with the table - with the only lamp and phone charger.
So if you’re looking for a where to start with feng shui, ensuring all beds are in command position is a perfect place to start. This will help leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated every morning when you wake up.
Have any questions about your particular room layout and how to place your bed in command position? Post them below!