What does “Living in Shui” mean??
What I know to be true -
There is no promotion, relationship, quarterly bonus, marriage, dollar amount in your bank account, house, car, wardrobe, amount of children, vacation, spiritual quest, yoga class, material possession or achievement that will make you happy.
There will not come a day, when you are sitting on the patio in your dream house, staring at your "all you've ever wanted" husband, with your adorable children playing with your perfectly trained dog where you lean back and think....AAAHHhhhhh. Now that I have all THIS, I couldn't possibly be happier.
As much as we all crave feeling JOY and FULFILLMENT, we often look for it in the wrong places.
We look to external factors. To things we can have, get, acquire. To other people, who - I just know when I find the RIGHT ONE - they will make me happy.
What I've come to realize in my own life, is that I have a much higher chance of discovering joy and fulfillment if I look inward. If I focus on how I want to FEEL, and then surround myself with what brings me that feeling. If I take time to reflect on, learn from, and heal my past. If I look for what I can appreciate in my life vs what I feel I'm lacking. If I relax a little, trust a little, surrender a little. That's when I might be able to sit back in a chair, let out a deep sigh, and smile.
I KNOW, easier said than done.
Which brings me to why we're here, in this corner of the universe called Living in Shui.
My aim is that this space offers tools - like feng shui, meditation, rituals, reflection, coaching, personal learnings - that help people (myself included) live our best lives. Not your neighbor's best life, or your sister's best life, or what your mom thinks your best life should look like. But a life that leaves you feeling exactly how you want to feel, whatever that is. And that’s what it means to be “Living in Shui”.
In case you're curious - right now for me, how I want to feel is: invigorating, rooted, expansive, part of a tribe, and that my life is a generous offering to the universe, my higher self, and those I cross paths with.
I’m so grateful you’re here! Please feel free to reach out and connect with me on any platform - here, email, call, instagram, facebook. I can’t wait to get to know you more in the days to come.