Feeling stuck? This practice changes EVERYTHING.

Have you ever looked back on a goal or dream that didn’t come to fruition, and wondered, what went wrong?

Recently, I found myself reflecting on this past year, and really my whole life, and thinking about all the goals & dreams I’ve had and things I’ve wanted to create.

And when I haven’t seen the success that  I’ve wanted, I started asking myself – “why is that?”

  • Was it because I didn’t work hard enough?

  • That I’m not smart enough?

  • Wasn’t organized enough?

  • Didn’t have the right education or take the right actions?


(even if that’s what my brain is trying to convince me)

It was because I didn't believe I could.

As simple as this realization is, it’s actually pretty mind-blowing for me.

The way my brain works, (and maybe you can relate?) is I always want to go to THE PLAN!

What’s the plan?? What do I need to do next? What order do I need to do it in? What steps can I take in order to GUARANTEE my goal is achieved????

And really, before any of the strategizing or planning is needed, the first step is:


To believe without seeing the evidence. To believe without knowing the how. To believe with your whole heart and whole being that your dream IS POSSIBLE and you are FULLY CAPABLE of achieving it.

And yet what stops us from believing?

It’s the self-limiting thoughts and beliefs that I know all of us have on some level.

The fears of the unknown.

The difficulty that lies in putting your full faith and trust in the universe, in yourself and fully believing without a shadow of a doubt that…

…if I surrender my fears, doubts and worries – my dreams WILL come true. And I am fully capable of achieving them.  

Easier said than done right?? So why is this so hard?!

It’s so hard because - for our whole lives, we’ve developed different fears, doubts, stories etc that point to the opposite, that we’ve been playing on repeat in our minds every. single. day. 

Beliefs, fears & stories like:

  • I’m not capable of achieving that level of success.

  • I’m not smart enough, creative enough, inspired enough, fill in the blank enough for THAT.

  • I’ve failed at this before, or made mistakes in the past, so obviously I’ll make them again.

  • I don’t deserve that kind of love.

And the list goes on.


Re-wire your brain to believe the opposite!

Here’s a simple practice I recommend:

  1. Anytime there’s a goal, intention or dream you’re trying to fulfill, notice the fears that come up. Notice the doubts, the self-sabotaging whispers, the stories you have of past failures and WRITE THEM ALL DOWN.

  2. Then, on a clean piece of paper, write the opposite. Write a list of LIFE-AFFIRMING beliefs. Beliefs that reinforce your faith & trust in yourself and the universe.

    • For example, if your fear is: I’m not capable, I’m not enough. The opposite could be: I was born with all the unique skills, talents & strengths I need in order to fulfill my destiny.

  3. Speak this list out loud – DAILY.

The key here is continuous repetition! You’ve likely been saying the self-sabotaging beliefs to yourself daily for the majority of your life, so if you truly want to rewire your brain, you’ll have to repeat what you want to believe.

Again and again and again and again.

It’s only when you believe and trust in yourself and your dreams that they have the possibility to come true.

Because THEN you’re vibrating on the same level of what you truly want.

How can feng shui take this even a step further??

You can incorporate a visual reminder of that belief into your environment so you SURROUND yourself with that positive vibration.

For example, say the previous limiting belief was: “I can never stick to eating healthy, I always make poor choices.” And you flipped that to: “I choose foods that deeply nourish my body.”

You could then take a beautiful bowl and fill it with vibrant fruits & veggies that represent health to you. Place that bowl on the dining room table or kitchen counter top and every time you look at it repeat: “I choose foods that deeply nourish my body.”

That way you’re bringing a visual reminder into your environment of the positive belief you’re reinforcing and you strengthen that intention every time you see it.

And you can create that kind of visual reminder for any goal you have. Just ask yourself – how do I want to represent this intention in my space?

Are you ready to flip the beliefs that hold you back?

Experiment with creating your list of LIFE-AFFIRMING BELIEFS and see what magic unfolds in your life when you say THAT to yourself daily.

And just like trying to strengthen anything – it takes practice. So don’t give up! You might not see the transformation you’re craving after 1 day of this practice, and if you stick with it you’ll wake up one day, look around at your life, and realize with amazement – all of your dreams are beginning to come true.

Looking for more support or a sounding board as you explore the life you want to live? Let’s talk.

Book a free discovery call here to connect.

I know (from personal experience!) how hard it can be to try to sort everything out alone, in your own head, and I’d love nothing more than to support you finding clarity and inspiration for your own journey. ❤️

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