How to interpret SIGNS to boost trust, ease anxiety & feel guided.
There are signs all around us, every day, ready and waiting to spark your inspiration, illuminate powerful insights, and guide you along your path - if only you expand your awareness and notice them.
These signs may be communicated through things like…
NATURE - animals, shapes in clouds, water, the wind, leaves falling, patterns
MUSIC - song lyrics, music videos, beats that make you feel something
“RANDOM” THOUGHTS - a person that pops into your head, a vision you get in the shower, dreams
INTUITIVE TOOLS - oracle cards, tarot decks, meditation, breath work
I’ve begun to realize that really ANYTHING can be interpreted as a sign if it’s meaningful to you, and the more you slow down to reflect & process them, the more layers of insight you’ll receive.
Here’s an example…
This morning I was using the sunroom in my house for the first time to journal and do my morning practices. I was writing about something that was stirring up emotions & uncertainty and I was looking for some guidance, reassurance, courage and faith.
All of a sudden I looked out my window and saw a FOX climbing over the fence right next to me. I have NEVER seen a fox that close.
It just casually climbed over the fence and trotted across the street, out of sight.
My first instinct was to google it and see what the fox represents. What stood out to me was:
“The fox carries a message that there’s a solution at hand. Make time for silence and solitude until the answer is clear.”
And as I read through the other pages and pages of what the fox might represent, nothing else necessarily resonated with me. That’s when I thought - let me just ask for my own insight - and closed me eyes and asked - “What message does this fox have for ME?” Here’s what showed up…
“"The fox is a confident explorer. Independent. Adventurous. Playful. Smart. It's here to remind you to follow the signs in life. Keep your eyes open. There is beauty everywhere. Magic everywhere.”
And THEN I remembered a book I love that happened to be right behind me called “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” by Charlie Makesy. So I pulled it off the shelf, closed my eyes, held it in my hands and asked - “what other messages do you have for me Fox?” - And I opened up to this page:
As I was sitting here, journaling, afraid that I’d jumped off the deep end into a pit of emotion, doubt, uncertainty, fear, and anxiety - this shows up.
This message that people may warn you… “don’t fall”, wanting to protect you, to keep you safe…
And yet - falling, failing, jumping in the deep end is a part of life that has valuable experience & wisdom to share. And I can trust that I will always find the shore again. Trust that guidance and support will show up to get me to the other side. Whether through friends, time, or faith, I will find my way.
This message was such a powerful reassurance to me. A gift that eased my anxiety, boosted my trust in myself and in life, and helped me to feel guided on my path.
And just to make sure I got the memo, I looked down and saw these socks on my feet and had to laugh.
thanks God!
I hear you loud and clear. 😂
This wisdom was within me. And it’s within you.
Anytime you feel lost, offer yourself the time and space to slow down, listen and be open to whatever signs may show up. ❤