The gift of PAUSE: how rest & restoration are vital to refuel us!

In nature, the presence of CYCLES can be found everywhere, like in…

  • the 4 seasons of the year, from the heat & energy of summer to the calm, stillness of winter.

  • the bright light of day to the dark quiet of night.

  • the waning and waxing of the moon.

  • the ebb & flow of the tides.

  • the planting, growth, death, decay and renewal of plants and crops.

It’s even present & evident in our bodies like…

  • our cycles of sleep & waking

  • a woman’s menstrual cycle

  • our own birth, growth, death, & return to the source energy from where we came

In feng shui, there’s an element associated with each season in the cycle as well.

Beginning with Water in winter & transitioning through Wood in spring, Fire in summer, Earth in late summer, Metal in autumn, and returning back to Water again in winter.

Each element and each season comes with unique gifts that are all vital & necessary for the cycle and process of creation and life to continue.

In times past, we used to sync up our lives, diets, schedules and habits so much more to embrace these cycles - and in reality - we didn’t really have a choice.

And now, WE DO.

  • We can choose to light up our days and nights for as many hours as we want.

  • We can choose to control the temperature of our indoor spaces.

  • We can choose to prepare whatever kind of food we want, whenever we want.

  • We can choose to have access, contact & communication with the outside world as much as we please.

  • We can choose to work as much as want, from our laptops & cell phones, wherever we want.

And often times, especially in the Western world we live in, we choose to turn that dial of activity WAY UP, ALL THE TIME.

We forget the necessary gifts that each season brings and count on our ability to generate energy and output no matter what because we have the tools & technology to do so.

Yet our bodies still know what we need & crave that time to relax & restore. Burnout is often the result of that constant push to DO when we’re really in the season of REST.

The holiday season can so often be one of the busiest times of the year, full of plans, extroversion, and going, going, going…

THIS YEAR - we’ve been given a unique opportunity to surrender and embrace WHAT IS.

To live in harmony with nature & feng shui, this watery time of winter is all about rest, receptivity, non-action & recognition of the sacredness & wholeness of existence.

It’s a perfect time to slow down and ask yourself, what does my body, my heart, my mind and my energy really need right now?

Often times, what can support us during this season is...

  • Sleeping longer hours & taking more naps.

  • Eating hearty, slow cooked or roasted vegetables, stews or foods.

  • Making time to daydream & tap into your creativity.

  • Spend quiet time alone for reflection & meditation.

  • Sit, sip & savor warm comforting teas to re-heat our bodies & our hearts.

  • Overall, just DO LESS.

So if any of these things are calling to you, see how you can embrace them.

Taking time to rest, restore & replenish doesn’t make you lazy. It’s a natural part of the cycle of life that’s necessary to refuel us until we feel inspired & activated to grow, expand and exert our energies again.

How will you embrace this season?

I’ll be spending as much time as possible in my fluffy bathrobe, drinking all the tea, and reminding myself just how vital to my health NON-DOING really is. Care to join me?

drinking tea.jpg

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