How to LIVE your LIFE with intention!


This can be a word that pops up so much it can be easily overlooked.

You might feel like….

…Oh yea, I get it, set a positive intention.

Or maybe you’ve heard it talked about so much, and feel like you SHOULD totally get it, and it’s still a little challenging to understand. Like – what does that even MEAN really??

In feng shui – I talk about intention a lot and it’s a hugely impactful and transformational tool that truly puts the power into any change you make. I wrote about it previously here.

And I realized, there’s still so much to this concept that could be explored, so I wanted to dive in deeper with you!

Here are some definitions of INTENTION from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

  • “a determination to act in a certain way”

  • “a concept considered as the product of attention directed to an object of knowledge”

  • “what one intends to do or bring about”

  • “the object for which a prayer, mass or pious act is offered”

And the definition of INTEND:

  • “to have in mind as a purpose or goal”

  • “to direct the mind on”

  • “to design for a specified use or future”

So how I see it is – creating an intention is about making a conscious choice to think about, focus on, and act in a DELIBERATE way that’s aligned with your goals.

You might think – aren’t I ALWAYS choosing what to think about, focus on and how to act everyday? Do I really need to create an INTENTION to do that???

Actually, studies show that 95% of our brain activity occurs in our subconscious mind and is built up from habits, stimuli, environments, and experiences we encountered in our first 7 years of life.  Which means, for the most part we’re operating on auto-pilot and letting those old, repetitive thought patterns, habits and opinions run the show - every day! In every experience!

This is the concept of AUTOMATICITY.

In order to change these automatic patterns, we first have to be aware of the new reality, thoughts, feelings, actions, etc we want to create and then we have to practice those new behaviors OVER AND OVER AGAIN!


One way we can do that is by creating INTENTIONS.

  • writing out your intentions and affirmations

  • visualizing how you want to feel when that intention becomes reality

  • do mirror work and repeat your intentions in the mirror

  • say your intentions out loud: share with a friend, whisper it to the wind, say it to yourself in the shower!

  • and the list goes on! 

When creating these intentions, I like to focus on what I want to embody, how I want to feel and what I want to see manifest. I usually keep them pretty short and simple, and come back to them daily and often, ESPECIALLY when I feel my thoughts straying to the dark side. 😂

Once you’re clear on your intention, you can then create new habits, practices and environments that constantly remind you of that intention, vs reverting back to old habits.


That’s why in feng shui – the practice of beginning with intention is CRUCIAL for you to truly transform not only your space – but your mindset and therefore your life.

Want to start practicing this?? Try it with something simple like…

  • I will be fully present and curious on this call with my mom and hang up feeling connected and loved.

  • I will fall asleep easily and quickly tonight and wake up feeling totally rested and refreshed.

  • Tomorrow I’ll make time for a hike with my friend, we’ll enjoy the glorious sunshine, connection, and fresh air together.

Remember - it’s a PRACTICE!

Be kind to yourself and have some fun with it!