How can you raise your vibration?? Tap into your TAO!
I deeply believe that the power of feng shui begins with YOU.
No amount of feng shui cures, shifts or de-cluttering can carry the same power as YOU when you’re grounded in the highest energy of love, trust, passion and joy.
When your energy is grounded there and in alignment with what you hope to create in your life, THAT is the ultimate source of power that can completely shift, transform and manifest your deepest desires.
So what happens when your energy doesn’t line up?
Let’s say you have a goal to create more financial abundance. The energy I might envision for that is: open, grateful, growing, passionate, flowing, bright…
If you’re approaching that goal from a place of lack and fear, the energy I associate with that is: closed, jealous, desperate, knotted up, scattered, stuck, dark…
Doesn't seem to match right? That's called putting off a "chaotic vibration."
When you’re asking for something with one hand - saying yes, YES give it to me! And pushing it away with the other hand like no, NO, not yet, not now, not me!
And when these energies aren’t in alignment, it’s that much more challenging to make progress towards the goals or desires that are so important to you.
Trust me, I’ve been there!
It’s frustrating to feel like you want something so badly and yet every step of the way feels like you’re pushing, forcing or trying to control the outcome. When you’re in this state of chaotic vibration, everything feels HARD.
I’ve found that my life really flows when I can let go of lower vibe thoughts, energies and emotions and refocus my attention on what makes me FEEL GOOD! When I’m tapped into this positive, grounded, joyous space – that’s when creativity, fun and inspiration make everything feel so much easier.
So how do you bring yourself back into alignment with this powerful, feel good space??
Reconnect to your TAO.
A definition of Tao from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is:
1. "The process of nature by which all things change and which is to be followed for a life of harmony."
2. "The art or skill of doing something in harmony with the essential nature of the thing (ex: The Tao of archery)."
At the heart of it, TAO is about being connected and tapped in to the TRUE ESSENCE of something.
In feng shui, I think about being tapped into three levels:
To the true essence of yourself.
To the true essence of your life.
To the true essence of your home.
AND, how easily and gracefully can you allow for growth, change and the natural ebb and flow of life? do you put this into practice??
Try some of the suggestions below to strengthen your connection to TAO: in yourself, your life and your home. After getting grounded in this powerful connection to your essence, reflect on how good it feels to go through life from THIS space!!
Reading, libraries and bookstores are my HAPPY PLACE!
Find ways to tap into the true essence of who you really are! What lights you up, puts a huge smile on your face, or leaves you feeling energized, invigorated or at peace. Keep experimenting and finding new ways to connect to YOU.
Do something you love to do!
Make time for silence. Try meditating or simply focus on your breathing.
Take a walk outside. Feel the earth under your feet, the sun on your face.
Have “technology free” time and allow space for daydreaming, reading, or doing nothing!
Eliminate or reduce thoughts, habits, or time with people that drain your energy.
Switch up your style. Dress in colors, textures, etc that reflect YOU.
Move your body! Dance, exercise, MOVE in any way that feels good.
Flex your creative muscles. Draw, color, bake, MAKE SOMETHING!
Spend time with children or animals and soak up their pure joy and presence!
Strengthen your lifestyle tao
Taking a NYC adventure with my mom and sister!
What habits can you create / strengthen in your life that leave you FEELING GOOD and support your goals, values and intentions?
Create a morning practice that leaves you feeling energized, clear, positive and tapped into what’s most important to you.
Spend time with family and friends who love and cherish you.
Spend time on hobbies, explore new ones. Pursue your passions and what lights you up!
Focus on serving others. Whether through small acts of kindness, volunteering, etc.
Appreciate nature. Incorporate more time outside into your schedule!
Join groups or communities with people who inspire you or share similar interests.
Make time for fun, spontaneity, & trying new things!
Strengthen your home tao.
Always adding more plants! PLUS I had a blast decorating this fun moss unicorn!!
Tap into memories, spaces or experiences that leave you feeling most “AT HOME”. Bring the essence of that feeling – the color, texture, image or emotion – into your home now!
Clear out any items causing physical or emotional clutter.
Ensure energy flows freely around your space. If it’s hard to navigate or energy feels stuck somewhere, remove the block!
Fix or throw out anything that’s broken or needs a repair.
Add fresh flowers to liven up the space.
Surround yourself with images, artwork and photos that bring up good feelings or memories.
Incorporate nature! Bring in plants, or pieces of nature that reflect your local environment.
Add pops of color that enhance how you want to FEEL in that room.
Do a space clearing.
Looking for more inspiration & support? I’ve created a 3 part mini-series all about strengthening your connection to YOU!
Get access to “Your Guide to Thrive!” by entering your email below!