BEFORE / AFTER: How your home can grow & evolve along with your family!

There are so many shows out there right now all about the home before & after transformations!!

Believe me, I KNOW how tantalizing it can be to envision walking into your dream home and having everything just be DONE!

  • No miscellaneous projects to tackle.

  • Everything perfectly organized & in it’s place.

  • Each room fully decorated and coordinated.

And the reality, and BEAUTY, of life is - everything is always changing!

So just like you and your life, your home needs to grow and evolve with you. I’ve found while working with clients, the more you can accept that your home will never be “DONE” and embrace the journey, the more fun you can have with the process. The key is to routinely check in and ask yourself - is my environment supporting my needs NOW? If you’ve outgrown your space, or your goals or needs have changed, it may be time for an update!

Want to see what this can look like in real life? Check out the BEFORE and AFTER pictures below!

In the picture on the left, the couple I was working with were newer parents and still exploring how their space needed to transform along with their new family. Being voracious readers, the large bookshelf took up the entire wall across from the window. During this time, the couch was also on the opposite wall under the window.

While working together, we talked through their desire to have a more child friendly area that felt contained and accessible to the kids, as well as a space that felt comfortable for adults to relax and hang out. Another goal was to create a feeling of separation from the dining room directly to the left of this room.

Here are some changes we collaborated on and why:

  1. Gave away the bookshelf, paired down their collection & moved books into other areas. This freed up a lot of space and created the opportunity for more child friendly furniture.

  2. Swapped the couch to the wall where the bookshelf was. By placing the couch against a solid wall instead of the windowed wall, they gained a sense of stability & security AS WELL AS having the benefit of being able to gaze out of the window as they’re relaxing on the couch. An unexpected outcome… after placing a bird feeder & plants outside of the window, they’ve acquired some pet “pigeons” the girls have grown quite fond of!! 😂The large window & plants also feels like a focal point of the room with the TV placed more discreetly. This was an intentional choice as they didn’t want the TV to be the main attraction.

  3. Incorporated cubby furniture for multiple reasons: 1. created a natural boundary for the room along with the couch. This placement creates a physical and energetic separation from the dining room on the other side. 2. storage system is at a level accessible to the kids and allows them the autonomy to access & put away their toys / books as they use them.

  4. BONUS: the kids’ play area also happens to be in the “Children & Creativity” section of their house! The constant playful use of this area, along with all of the creative supplies, naturally enhances the intention of this space.

And is this space DONE? Nope! As their family grows & evolves, they’ll have the opportunity to ask themselves how their home can evolve right along with them.

So unless you actually ARE on an HGTV home makeover show, there will never be a day when you walk into your home and think EVERYTHING IS DONE, I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND I NEVER HAVE TO CHANGE IT! YAYYYYYY!!!!!! 😂

The good news is… the process of shifting and changing your external environment can actually be a transformative experience for YOU."

If you embrace the journey as one of reflection, exploration, creativity and empowerment, you have the opportunity to come out on the other side clearer, happier, and more inspired to create the life you truly want to live.

And that’s what it’s all about anyways right?

So I invite you to ask yourself, if your home is a mirror and reflection of your truest self and deepest desires, do you like the reflection that you see?

If it doesn’t seem to match up with who you are and the vision you have for your life, let’s talk. I’d love to support you as you explore steps to take in the direction of your dreams, both in your space & in your life! Book a free call here to connect.

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