Want to SEE the power of your positive thought, attention & focus?? Start a MANIFESTATION GARDEN!
Anyone else out there feeling Zoom exhaustion lately??
It’s an interesting time we’re in at the moment when so many things we were used to doing in person or together are now virtual.
Brunch with your mom? ZOOM CALL!
Yoga class? ZOOM CALL!
Happy hour? ZOOM CALL!
Even before all of this - I already felt drained and distracted by technology often times. I craved people’s undivided attention and got frustrated at the constant distraction of cell phones - including my own!
Don’t get me wrong, I know there are MANY gifts technology provides…immediate news updates, global connection, endless depth of information at our fingertips, entertainment…the list goes on.
AND - I find that constant flow of information, endless connection & conditioning to immediate responses has a downside.
For one, it’s shortened our attention span and limited our ability to FOCUS.
This is HUGE. I feel many have forgotten that the power of our positive THOUGHT, undivided ATTENTION and dedicated FOCUS can be LIFE-CHANGING!
In life - countless ideas, goals or desires may drift across our minds in a given day. AND - if we can’t focus our attention on one long enough, they’ll do just that. DRIFT AWAY.
When we can think clearly on ONE thing…envision a goal or desire and focus on JUST THAT for long enough - we begin attracting that into our life. The clearer our focus, the more we can see it, feel it & believe it, the faster it will come!
Want to try this out in real life??
This can be just one plant, a windowsill herb garden, flowers, anything you want! I’ve also found…not only does focusing on ONE THING AT A TIME feel totally refreshing and invigorating - getting outside in the fresh air with my hands in the dirt is just what I’ve needed lately to reset my brain, my eyes, and my focus from the constant influx of technology! ENJOY!!
New herbs I just planted in my backyard!
Choose your plants & envision their impact on your life! Imagine what it will be like to enjoy them as they grow. The delicious, fresh herbs you’ll add to your food. The beautiful cut flowers you’ll place on your table. The vibrant plant on your desk steadily growing new leaves.
Plant them with intention! As you feel your hands in the soil and carefully pot them in their new homes, pour your positive thoughts into them. Tell them you love them, you’re committed to nourishing them, you’ll be attentive to what they need, etc… Sound crazy? Just wait and see.
Continue to bring your focused attention! You can’t just water them once and hope for the best right? (Of course I’ve never done this LOL). If you do you’ll see pretty quickly what happens when you neglect something! Make sure to routinely check on your plant babies and see how they’re doing - what they need. More water? Less? Sunnier spot? Pruning? Re-potting? The more care, attention and focus you bring to them, the closer they’ll come to your original vision!
Now - if you’re anything like me - when it comes to achieving a goal or bringing something to life - I can at times get caught up in the research phase. The VAST amounts of information we have endless access to can cause distraction or delay me actually taking ACTION on what I want.
What I’ve realized? The best way to learn is to experience it for yourself.
Now is the perfect opportunity to tap back into skills we may have strayed away from in our fast paced, immediate gratification, endless distraction society.
Going back to these VISCERAL skills - that take the power of experiencing and interacting with all of our SENSES, ATTENTION, and mindful FOCUS is a game-changer! AND just like with anything in life - it takes practice, dedication, commitment & faith. Remember - the day you plant the seed, is not the day you reap the fruit!