Why I'm a proud houseplant addict!

Since there’s no shortage of love for indoor plants, there’s also no shortage of resources informing you about their benefits, care or selection.

So, I’m going to skip all of that and share with you the difference they make TO ME! They have a huge impact on my energy, my life and my feng shui practice and I hope this sparks inspiration for you to see and interact with YOUR houseplants in a new way!


creative expression

Has it been a while since you’ve picked up a crayon or touched a paintbrush? Well, if you’ve been craving a creative outlet - houseplants might just be your next calling!

Right off the bat - when selecting a plant, you have so many options for color, texture, flower, leaf shape, etc, etc. The options are endless and you can let your intuition and inspiration guide you to what makes you smile.

After choosing your plant - you get to design it’s “home” by choosing it’s pot. Whether you stick with a color scheme or go for a pop of color that brightens the room - it’s all up to you to flex your creative muscles.

Then once I start creating a collection of plants - I will often switch them up. Rearranging where the plants are in my space is a fun, playful experience for me that always leaves the room feeling fresh and energized.

According to a study out of New Zealand:

“engaging in creative activities contributes to an “upward spiral” of positive emotions, psychological well-being and feelings of “flourishing” in life.”

YESSS! Sounds pretty awesome to me!

wonder of nature

According to the Environmental Protection Agency - the average American spends over 93% of their life indoors. This disconnection with nature - also known as Nature Deficit Disorder - has been linked to increased stress, attention-deficit, depression, and even shorter lifespans.

Pretty crazy, right???

By bringing the outside in, you’re creating a connection with nature that allows you to at least engage and appreciate it throughout your day. It’s also a mindful reminder to the impact of a lack of fresh water and sunlight. Your plants will let you know when they’re not happy! AND, let this remind YOU - you need fresh water and sunlight just as much as them!!

Plus, feng shui is all about infusing your space with fresh, vibrant energy - and you can’t get much better than by adding a plant.

Healthy plants are constantly growing - representing abundance and momentum. A constant reminder to how when you nourish something, it blooms.


The gift that keeps on giving

Because of everything I mentioned above - plants are one of my favorite gifts to give! Thankfully, another magical thing about plants is - you can grow more plants from your first plant, FOR FREE! Welcome to the art of PROPAGATING.

For many plants, it’s easy to remove a cutting from one of the stems and start growing another. A quick google search will show you methods for how to propagate the specific type of plant you have.

This Montsera plant on my desk came from the one on the dresser above. Other cuttings from this same plant have made beautiful gifts for my friends and family. Each plant is infused with the love, care and nourishment I poured into the original plant itself.

Your turn!

Ready to discover your own passion for houseplants? Head over to your local nursery, home depot or grocery store to pick up a plant baby of your own. What did you fall in love with??

Let me know in the comments below :)

happy planting!